Workshops and Events 2024
wondering how …
You want to join my workshops or initiate one private or for a group? Here you can see an overview of planned ones for coming times.
Christmas Felting Workshops / Filzen für Weihnachten Workshops
24.11.2024 11-14h, Waldorfkindergarten Chorinerstr. 25, 10435 Berlin
After this workshop you will go home with a magic Christmas Angel Figure you’ve felted yourself!
It will be a time for you to relax, learn more of my felting secrets, meet and exchange with others in a beautiful circle, have tea and touch the magic.
All levels welcome
The workshop is for adults only, you can not bring your little ones with you.
35 Euro, all materials included (Payment after the Workshop). We work with organic wool (KbT) and needle felting
Nach diesem Workshop kannst Du einen magischen Weihnachtsengel, den Du selbst gefilzt hast, mit nach Hause nehmen!
Du werdest Dich entspannen, mehr über meine Filzgeheimnisse erfahren, Dich mit anderen in einem schönen Kreis austauschen, Tee trinken und die Magie spüren.
Alle Erfahrungsstufen sind willkommen.
Der Workshop ist nur für Erwachsene, für Dich. Du kannst die Kleinen nicht mitnehmen.
35 Euro, alle Materialien inklusive (Zahlung nach dem Workshop). Wir arbeiten mit Bio-Wolle (KbT) und Nadelfilzen
Free REPAIR Circle
Once a month we meet on Sunday, at brunch time, to sit together, meet new faces and each one repairs their own things. You can also start new project, ask others for new technics, learn or teach knitting, crocheting, sewing, weaving or other crafts. We share tea, bisquits, wisdoms and knowledge. This circle is an experiment, we are curious and excited to welcome you too.
Free of charge. Bring your materials or use free many fabrics and threads i’ve got in atelier. Join our Telegram group for immediate updates HERE feel free if you want to share.
From November we started being nomadic - the Circle moves to new exceptional hearted location each time
Privat Online and Live Workshops
You want to organise the Workshop for yourself or a group of friends or colleagues?
Those Workshops are flexible and can be organised shortly upon your request. Please contact me and we can plan one together.
Languages: english, german, french, russian
Price on request. Materials can be send upon request too.
Please don’t hesitate to write me here with any questions.